AmigaOS3.5 (503/967)

From:Robin Hueskes
Date:16 May 2000 at 19:08:19
Subject:Re: CGFX

Hello Anton

> Are you saying I should remove all files and then run the update?

Ops ... to fast again ...

> The update is not a complete install! You should have some version
> allready installed. The funny thing is that it says that it will upgrade a
> working V3 version(especially stating the "working" part). This is a very
> confusing matter. The sollution would be if someone could write a
> step-by-step guide from installing the hardware(BVision card) to
> installing V4 of CGFX. If I ever manage to complete the installation I
> will myself publish such a text.

I've just tried to do the installation from the update ... there are some
problems which can be solved but think it's too long and difficult ... :(

This should be some steps in the right direction

OK ... First uninstall ...

Delete your envarc:sys/screenmode.prefs


Then start the install from cd with a CVisionPPC as the
BVision is not included in 4.0

and directly after this start the update with BVisionPPC

Now go to devs:monitors and delete the CVisionPPC

Now you should reboot ...

And now you should be able to select a BVision-Resolution in Screenmode

This can be a long day ;)

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